Friday, January 29, 2016

Find your ideal online broker

    1. Read this flowchart, and create a table of brokers and features:
      1. Create table in MS Word before copying it over to your blog. For example:
        Lowest Possible Commission, No ECN Fees
        CIBC Investor’s Edge
        Online Access to Global Markets
      2. Write 5 sentences using: “If what you want is (noun phrase), your best bet would be (broker name).”
      3. As always, be sure to copy and paste the above instructions on your blog and place your answers beneath the instructions.

Lowest Possible Commission, No ECN Fees
Virtual Brokers
Cheapest bank-owned broker for stock trading
CIBC Investor’s Edge
Online Access to Global Markets
HSBC Investdirect 

  1. If what you want is buying bonds online, your best bet would be Virtual Brokers.
  2. If what you want is access to global markets online, your best bet would be HSBC Investdirect.
  3. If what you want is cheapest bank-owned broker for stock trading,your best bet would be CIBC Investor’s Edge
  4. If what you want is lowest Possible Commission, no ECN Fees, your best bet would be Virtual Brokers.
  5. If what you want is no-cost paper account statements, your best bet would be BMO InvestorLine. 

Recording and photo: TTC, GO, Via

Recording: investing your money 696

ESL Podcast 696 – Investing Your Money 
     Learning Guide
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Tags: Business

Audio Index:
Slow dialogue: 1:24
Explanations: 3:28
Fast dialogue: 18:39
Karen: My company offers a 401(k) plan. Do you think I should have one?

Jimmy: Yes, definitely. I had a 401(k) account when I worked for McQ Corp, and when I started working on my own I converted it to an IRA.

Karen: I really don’t understand any of these investment options. I talked to an investment specialist at my bank, but I left her office just as confused as when I went in.

Jimmy: Look, you want to have a diversified portfolio of lower-risk and higher-risk investments. On the low-risk end, put money in bondsCDs, or a money market account. You want to balance that out with some riskier investments that may bring a higher return, such as mutual funds and stocks.

Karen: Wow, all of that just went over my head. I don’t know a CD from a bond.

Jimmy: It’s really simple. Your choice ranges from a fixed return to a variable return, and the variable investments carry different levels of risk.

Karen: My head hurts. Are you sure I really need all of these investments?

Jimmy: Not all of them, but it would be smart to invest your money in something.

Karen: Not if I spend it all first, right?

Jimmy: Right. You know what they say: “A fool and his money are soon parted!”

  1. Read this, and in groups, try to figure out what the investments mean in Canada.
    1. Revise the above role play, making it more Canadian.
    2. Then create another recording.

Recording: Investing Your Money 388

ESL Podcast 388 – Investing Your Money 
     Learning Guide
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Tags: Business
Audio Index:
Slow dialogue: 1:31
Explanations: 3:00
Fast dialogue: 14:13
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for coming to today’s seminar. We’re going to talk about how to invest your money and how to maximize those holdings.

First, we’ll talk about market trends and where to find the best opportunities right now. Getting in on the ground floor and getting the highest appreciation is what we all want. A good investor also knows when to divest, and we’ll talk about how to read the warning signs.

Many of you have money in savings, but you want a better rate of return, and you’re willing to speculate a little to get it. We’ll discuss how to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk while maximizing your return.

Are you ready to make some money? Let’s get started!

  1. Role play: Investing Your Money
    1. As usual, practise by yourself and then with a partner.
    2. Create an Audioboom recording.

Recording: the stoke market

ESL Podcast 276 – The Stock Market 
     Learning Guide
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Tags: Business

Audio Index:
Slow dialog: 1:32
Explanations: 3:42
Fast dialog: 18:45
Heather: What’s the matter? You look terrible.

Paul: Haven’t you seen the paper? The stock market went down a lot yesterday. The NASDAQ is down 100 points and the Dow is down 30! My portfolio is in big trouble.

Heather: I knew you had some stock options in this company, but I didn’t know you were so heavily invested in the market.

Paul: I’m invested in the bond market, in derivatives, and I have shares in a lot of companies that took a nosedive yesterday.

Heather: I’m sure you have a good stockbroker who has made sure that your portfolio is diversified and you have different kinds of securities.

Paul: That’s my problem. I don’t have a stockbroker. I decided to invest on my own and to go for less secure stocks hoping for a better return. I thought I could tell the difference between a bear and abull market as well as the brokers. I guess I was wrong.

Heather: The drop in stock prices won’t last. I’m sure the market will rebound. Just don’t panic and sell everything. The old saying, “buy low, sell high,” is still a good idea, I think.

Paul: I know, I know. I won’t do anything stupid— that is, I won’t do anything even more stupid. I’ll wait to see what happens before taking any action.

Heather: That’s a good idea. Come on. I’ll buy you lunch.

Paul: Thanks. Now that I’m poor, I won’t say ‘no’ to your charity.

  1. Role play: The Stock Market
    1. Listen carefully to the podcast, especially for pronunciation of difficult words.
    2. Speak it aloud at least 3 times.
    3. Record your audio on Chirbit or Audioboom, and place the link on your blog--as always, include this question .

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Lecture From BMO

  Today,we have a lecture of BMO staffs. With their presentation,we understand BMO is the oldest bank in Canada, they have the history and resources to help newcomers start a successful new life in Canada. They need many employees who can speak foreign languages.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Monday, January 18, 2016

green/organic waste: mest, fish, eggs, cake, paper, dairy products, rice,
blue/recycle waste: clamshell containers, glass bottles, aluminum cans, plastic food jars,
black/garbage inorganic waste: black lastic,
HHW/drop-off 3-1-1 depot:cottosive, flammable, explosive,  poisonous  paint batteriers medication bleach
elecrtonic waste: televitions, computers,

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

In nineteen eithty-seven, Toronto had 3.2million vehicles on the road. Some driver were from Scarborough to North York, other driver were from GAT, including those Oshawa,Milton and richmond Hill.

Monday, January 11, 2016

last thursday,I and my classmates went to visit the biggest library-Toronto Reference Library in Canada.It is located at Yonge St. It opened in 1977 and the library's collection is mostly non-circulating ,although some materials can be borrowed. Like all the library,it offers free wireless internet,as well as computers can be used free of charge.
we visited TD Gallery, Dital innovation hub express, 3D Design and Printing ,The Bram&Bluma Apple Salon, Learning theater and study pod. Finally, I borrowed two DVD about ESL.
Today,we're all have a  wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

route to Toronto Reference Library

The attached is the map from my home to Toronto Reference Library

<iframe src="!1m28!1m12!1m3!1d92253.69052948702!2d-79.4220732904861!3d43.732826107950174!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m13!3e6!4m5!1s0x89d4d3ab0eb96dc5%3A0xf1c688fae7d5ef7a!2s70+Clipper+Road%2C+North+York%2C+ON+M2J%2C+Canada!3m2!1d43.788790999999996!2d-79.33158!4m5!1s0x882b34ae90d62fe1%3A0x50fbc31e127f9314!2sToronto+Reference+Library%2C+789+Yonge+St%2C+Toronto%2C+ON+M4W+2G8!3m2!1d43.671878899999996!2d-79.38681439999999!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sca!4v1452127886895" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

In case the embeded map doesn't work, the following is the shared link to that.,+North+York,+ON+M2J,+Canada/Toronto+Reference+Library,+789+Yonge+St,+Toronto,+ON+M4W+2G8/@43.7328261,-79.4220733,12z/am=t/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x89d4d3ab0eb96dc5:0xf1c688fae7d5ef7a!2m2!1d-79.33158!2d43.788791!1m5!1m1!1s0x882b34ae90d62fe1:0x50fbc31e127f9314!2m2!1d-79.3868144!2d43.6718789?hl=en